It was a beautiful evening to hang out in downtown Lee's Summit. Every third Thursday of the month, stores, galleries and restaurants stay open late and offer some cool diversions – from music to visual art. A big thank you to Mary and her friends at Green Beauty. She let me set up a few sculptures outside her store. The downtown area is nearly complete with new streetscaping, sidewalks and lights. If you get a chance, you should visit. This first shot shows the four large sculptures I have been hauling around the past couple of weeks. I also brought a few smaller items.
Evening turned to night. It was great to see folks out enjoying downtown, just strolling along. I was next to The Peanut, which offered a steady stream of people coming and going from the bar and grill. At the end of the night, I moved the sculptures into Green Beauty. I'm starting to wish I had put wheels on the robot's feet. He seems to get heavier each time I him. I hope to set up again, maybe this fall, or in the spring.