A fence to keep the dog out and the prairie in

The last week, I have been finishing a new fence here at Fossil Gardens. Created to keep the family dog from plundering the pond and plants, this fence is strong, yet reflects a delicate design of nature. The style of the fence is supposed to mimic a tallgrass prairie, which over time, will provide a backdrop for the fence. I built this fence using rebar and other metal I had lying around the shop. Here are some photographs taken while under construction.

Here is a section just completed. The height of the fence is approximately 42 inches.

Here is a section welded to the posts. The bricks on the posts are just to keep the rain out until I put caps on them.

Here, the fence runs from the edge of Fossil Forge, angling across the yard. By the way, all the rock behind the fence will be used for a future pond and waterfall.

This photo shows the detail and texture of the rebar. There is no top rail to the fence. Instead, the steel grass sections make an irregular, but strong top.