Wow. It is finally finished. This is 'Emergence', a special sculpture to commemorate the 150th birthday of Lee's Summit, Mo. This sculpture was months in the making, a real collaboration between the city, Truly 150 committee and myself. The sculpture is located in the plaza area of the Lee's Summit City Hall.
'Emergence' is made from steel and glass. It takes the form of a crystal, nine faceted shapes grow from its base. No matter the view, the angles and shadows are always different.
One interesting aspect of this sculpture is that it will hold the time capsule of the city. The time capsule will be filled with items from today to be opened in 2065, the city's bicentennial.
Night the sculpture takes on a fresh personality. Fiber optics inside the glass lanterns glow. Of course, the colors can be changed throughout the year, showcasing events, moods and seasons of the city.